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Hawthorne Elementary

We are a school of many races and cultures. The Hawthorne School community respects all of its members. We, as African-Americans, Asian-Americans, European-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans, Native Americans and others, contribute our knowledge and experience to strengthen the community as a whole.

Welcome to Hawthorne Elementary

We invite you to learn more about our school.

We foster acceptance of all cultures. We strive to provide a vision of a multi-cultural community. Hawthorne parents feel connected to the school, and the principal and staff are accessible to parents. Learning at Hawthorne is considered a partnership. We encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s program. Parents, students, and teachers work together to set learning goals for the year. Parents can also volunteer in our classrooms and lend their time and talents to support learning in many ways.

What Makes Hawthorne Elementary Unique

The Dolphins Learning Community

  • Working with the UW Center for Biology Education and Edgewood College, fourth and fifth-grade students conduct original scientific research and study the culture of science.
  • Disney Musicals in Schools site
  • K-3 classes are kept at 15 or fewer students. Average class size for grades 4 & 5 is 24.
  • Average school attendance exceeds the district average of 94% and is one of the highest elementary attendance rates in the district.


Interested in supporting our school? Give a gift to Hawthorne Elementary.

Get in touch

Contact Hawthorne Elementary

Hawthorne Elementary
3344 Concord Avenue
Madison WI 53714

Office: (608) 204-2500

Hawthorne Elementary Alumni

Are you an MMSD Alum? Connect with us and share your story.

Meet Our Adopt-a-School Sponsors


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“A huge shout out goes to the staff at Hawthorne Elementary School for creating an engaging learning environment for your students.”

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