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Engaging with people passionate about public schools.

We host an array of events to illuminate the interconnectedness of our work, schools and the Madison community. Working to raise awareness and support for MMSD, we’re committed to building a bright future for our students and Madison.


Past Events

Together we create a stronger community.


2024 Schools Make Madison Summit

April 25, 2024

The 2nd Annual Schools Make Madison Summit, held on April 25th, 2024 at Thermo Fisher Scientific, was an electrifying convergence of educators, policymakers, innovators, and community stakeholders, all dedicated to revolutionizing education in Madison and beyond. The 150+ attendees were immersed in some perhaps unknown realities about school funding and budgets, the vital role social workers have in student success, and the mechanisms of the school nutrition program.


Schools Make Madison Partners for Progress Breakfast

September 28, 2023

Public schools are the heart and soul of our democracy. They’re also a major employer and contributor to Madison’s vitality. Participants learned about one of Madison’s most valuable assets – its public schools, the economic impact of Madison Metropolitan School District, and how our community benefits from a strong city-school district partnership.


2023-24 Briefing – School Budgets Up in the Air

June 22, 2023

Jason Stein and Sara Shaw of Wisconsin Policy Forum expanded upon key findings from their recent report Up in the Air, School Budgets Hinge on Decisions in Madison. The 2024 budget cycle finds Wisconsin’s two largest school districts facing the challenges of declining student enrollment and the need to boost employee pay amid record inflation in a tight labor market.


2023 Schools Make Madison Summit

April 27, 2023

The first annual Schools Make Madison Summit gathered together nearly 150 community advocates to Thermo Fisher Scientific’s campus. The goal for the morning was to educate, collaborate and inspire action around creating systems of support and opportunity for our MMSD students. Attendees heard from educators, and business and community leaders on the significance of K12 public schools to our community and regional economy, and from current Adopt-a-School partners about the difference they’re making through their involvement with our schools and students.


Schools Make Madison Champions Reception

October 6, 2022

We gathered to celebrate our Champion donors whose generous, unrestricted financial support is the backbone of the ongoing sustained progress of the Foundation and our mission to support Madison’s public schools.

Guests were treated to a live musical performance by Shelly, Emily, and Logan – 8th, 3rd, and 2nd-grade students at Cherokee Heights Middle and Thoreau Elementary schools.

Our 90+ Champions have committed to making annual donations to the Foundation at levels ranging from $500 to $10,000 and above.


Schools Make Madison Legacy Circle Celebration

September 27, 2022

Kathy Costello, retired principal and Foundation Board member, shared the surprising experience of answering the phone and learning her school, Thoreau Elementary, was the benefactor of a legacy gift. She shared the journey the team undertook to respectfully and intentionally develop a plan for how to use the $300,000+ bequest, resulting in the creation of the Forever Literacy Thoreau Elementary fund.

Lily and William read work they composed while students at Thoreau, both entered into the Yahara Writing contest.

Arranging a planned gift helps you to leave a legacy and support future generations of public school students in Madison. Planned gifts also provide an opportunity to fulfill your financial and estate planning goals. 

“Becoming a community school has had a very powerful and positive impact on Mendota. When you describe community schools it’s often the hub of community in which resources are provided for families and scholars. And it’s been that and more for us as a school.”

Carlettra Stanford, Associate Superintendent – Elementary Schools and former Principal of Mendota Elementary School

A newsletter that informs and inspires. 

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