Schools make Madison. Advocate for our students.
Now more than ever, our schools and students need the community to rally behind them and to make our voices heard. We can help you find everything you need, from a local legislator’s email to the most pressing initiatives affecting our students today.

Our Advocacy Efforts
Making Change Happen For the Betterment of K12
All of Madison’s students deserve well-funded schools, and we’re committed to providing data and resources that promote transparency, meaningful discussion and action that impacts our schools, students and families.

Behind the Bill: See how public school funding has changed.
While your 2021 City of Madison tax bill shows “Madison Schools” as the recipient of 49% of those funds, it’s not that clear. Each year, more and more dollars are being diverted to voucher schools and 2x charter schools.

Voting ‘yes’ for our Schools is an investment for our future
In January 2020, the Madison Public Schools Foundation launched Schools Make Madison Advocates, our 501c4 advocacy arm. Later that same year, SMMA successfully led the Vote Yes 2 Invest campaign in support of MMSD’s $350M Future Ready referenda request. As a result, today students of our four comprehensive high schools experience modern, renovated spaces.

MPSF Advocacy & Strategy Committees
A dedicated, passionate team of professionals promoting progress.
Our committee works with schools, the community and legislators to determine priorities and areas of action that will impact our students.
Want to get involved? Let us help.
Partners Make Our Work Possible
Engaged, local organizations are critical to our mission to advocate on behalf of Madison’s public schools and students.

Additional Resources
Information That Makes It Easy To Get Involved

Find Your Legislator
Reaching out to your local legislators lets them know you care about public schools. It also helps them determine how to vote and what to prioritize.

Stay Up On Local Legislation
It’s easy to get Wisconsin legislative updates sent to your email, and it’s free.

Build Relationships With Local Lawmakers
Change in our community requires a conversation between voters and legislators. See how you can start connecting with those impacting the future of our schools and students.

Write A Letter To Your Legislator
It’s fast, free and effective. We can help you craft a compelling, concise letter that will have an impact.