Cherokee Heights Middle
Cherokee Heights Middle School is a dynamic learning community dedicated to providing all students with a strong curriculum, leadership, and support. We are located on the near west side of Madison, close to many woods, parks and recreation opportunities. Our school prides itself on its rich cultures that are valued by our faculty, students, and families. We’re a proud institution that promotes teamwork, collaboration, professionalism and a strong dedication to life-long learning. Our staff acknowledges these attributes are essential in order to reach out academic and social-emotional learning goals.

Welcome to Cherokee Heights Middle
We are glad you are here.
Cherokee Heights’ strengths lie in the richness of diversity of our students and community. Our dedicated, committed staff believe that in order for a curriculum to be successful it must engage all students and the curriculum must embrace Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Teaching and provide students access to education in their home language. Our school community values and respects all students that enter our school doors. We rely on our community supports and partners to strengthen the learning opportunities and experiences for our students during and beyond the school day and building.

What Makes Cherokee Middle Unique
Learn how we’re committed to providing the very best educational experience possible.
- We offer dual-language immersion (DLI) programming as a continuation of students’ K-5 DLI learning experience in MMSD.
- School garden provides additional learning opportunities.

Interested in supporting our school? Give a gift to Cherokee Heights Middle.

Contact Cherokee Middle
Cherokee Middle
4301 Cherokee Drive
Madison WI 53711
Office: (608) 204-1240

Cherokee Middle Alumni
Are you an MMSD Alum? Connect with us and share your story.
Met Our Adopt-a-School Partners

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Through the Foundation’s Adopt-a-School program, Madison’s public schools are “adopted” by a local business, organization, or government agency, forming mutually enriching partnerships.