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Schools Make Madison Summit 2024

This was a free event.

The 2nd Annual Schools Make Madison Summit, held on April 25th, 2024 at Thermo Fisher Scientific, was an electrifying convergence of educators, policymakers, innovators, and community stakeholders, all dedicated to revolutionizing education in Madison and beyond. The 150+ attendees were immersed in some perhaps unknown realities about school funding and budgets, the vital role social workers have in student success, and the mechanisms of the school nutrition program.

Attendees were immersed in learning about some perhaps unknown realities, creating a sense of awe and inspiration for all that is accomplished in our schools.

Past Attendee Testimonial:
“I wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic summit, and also express my gratitude as an attendee! Immediately after, I called my mom who is a retired educator and children’s healthcare lobbyist, and told her about how inspired I was by the programming. The need to do better for our children was the heartbeat felt throughout. The panelists were fantastic, the topics challenging and informative.” – Anne Ehrhart, SLED representative, Google public sector

Contact Mary Bartzen, Community Partnerships Director
[email protected]




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Alumni: Rosa Thompson 

Erin Bailey, PhD, MS, is a 1999 graduate of Madison West High School and now serves as the Associate Director for Community Engaged Research for the Collective for Research Impact and Social Partnerships (CRISP) at UW-Madison’s College of Letters & Science. As the daughter of a white mother and a Black father, Erin’s educational journey through the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) was shaped by both triumphs and challenges, as she navigated a system where privilege and disadvantage often coexisted in the same classroom.

Recordings: 2024 Referenda Listening Sessions

Over the past few months, MMSD has hosted numerous community listening sessions to engage families, educators, and community members about the upcoming referenda on November 5th—one focused on facilities and the other on operations. Here are the links to the recordings.

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