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Wright Middle School

At Wright, we pride ourselves on having CLEAR values: citizenship, leadership, equity, achievement, and relationship. Through caring relationships, exploration of interests and engagement in meaningful learning aimed at preparing our students to be community, college, and career ready. Wright staff meet students where they are and push them to the next level of challenge while maintaining high expectations for achievement.

Welcome to Wright Middle

Everyday is a great day to be a Panther!

Our mission is to successfully educate all students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to participate in an evolving global society. Wright Middle is a charter school named after one of Madison’s civil rights leaders. We use innovative, flexible approaches to teaching and learning with appropriate integration of technology. Our environment is characterized by challenge, support, choice, and respect. Our student learning has a social action and citizenship focus.

What Makes Wright Middle Unique

Wright students are on a CLEAR path to success.

  • Charter school with an emphasis on social justice, social action, and citizenship.
  • Only public school to require uniforms, which frees students from worrying about their clothing choices and allows them to focus on their academics.
  • Our small size enhances staff ability to focus on individual students needs.
  • A purposeful community and AVID culture promotes student engagement and builds students strengths and ability to achieve college and career readiness.


Interested in supporting our school? Give a gift to Wright Middle.


Contact Wright Middle

Wright Middle
1717 Fish Hatchery Road
Madison WI 53713

Office: (608) 204-1340

Wright Middle Alumni

Are you an MMSD Alum? Connect with us and share your story.

Meet Our Adopt-a-School Partners


Interested in adopting a school?

Through the Foundation’s Adopt-a-School program, Madison’s public schools are “adopted” by a local business, organization, or government agency, forming mutually enriching partnerships.

“A big thank you to the Wright staff!! All work tirelessly to honor and serve our great Wright community. We salute everyone for their great contributions and commitment.”

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