Milele Chikasa Anana Elementary
We are a 4K-5 elementary school located in the Memorial High School attendance area on Madison’s southwest side. We are primarily a neighborhood school where approximately 90% of students walk to school.

Welcome to Anana Elementary
Working collaboratively to help our students grow as learners.
Thanks to a SAGE (Student Achievement Guarantee in Education) grant, kindergarten through third-grade classes are kept at 18 students each. Two early childhood classes are also housed at Anana Elementary.

What Makes Anana Elementary Unique
Together we are strong!
- Hot lunch program offers a fresh fruit and vegetable bar.
- Anana Family Resource Center.
- Disney musicals on school site.

Interested in supporting our school? Give a gift to Anana Elementary.

Get In Touch
Contact Anana Elementary
Anana Elementary
6323 Woodington Way
Madison WI 53711
Office: (608) 204-2180

Anana Elementary Alumni
Are you an MMSD Alum? Connect with us and share your story.
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