Partner with us to advance education in Madison.
Building better schools and programs for our students is a community effort. Working together, we can create true change that gives our teachers and students the additional resources they need to be successful.

Partnership Opportunities
We make it easy to get involved in your schools.
From volunteering your time to our popular Adopt-a-School program, our goal is to help you find new ways to support Madison’s public schools and students.

Adopt-a-School. Adopt progress.
Since its inception 15 years ago, our Adopt-a-School program has forged a deep connection between community and our public schools. Through volunteering, in-kind donations and financial gifts, our partners have provided thousands of hours and over $5.5 million in support.

Become a Sponsor
Sponsor Success
If you’re a business or organization looking to make an impact in your community, we offer robust sponsorship opportunities. A sponsorship supports our mission, programs and services dedicated to creating schools where all students thrive.

Volunteer. Your presence is a gift.
We’re always looking for talented professionals to help us further our mission. We have several committees and openings for anyone who wants to make a long-term commitment to transforming our public schools.

Become an Ambassador
Become an ambassador for public schools.
If you’re passionate about Madison’s public schools or want to share your experiences with the community, consider becoming a Foundation Ambassador. You’ll work with us to share success stories, promote upcoming events and help drive awareness for important programs.
“It’s not just about writing checks and then walking away. These are people who are involved in many ways with the life of the school.”
Mark Mueller, Class of 1947, La Follette High School

Invest in MPSF
Invest in MPSF headline lorem ipsum sit, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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