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Spring Harbor Middle School Endowment Fund

The income from the school endowment fund provides Spring Harbor Middle School the opportunity for school-based grants to support creative and innovative projects in our school.

For the 2017-18 school year this funded the following projects:

  • Assistance in converting old computer lab into a MakerSpace that supports STEAM curriculum. The STEAM Station is designed to meet the vision we have set out as a school – hands-on learning, equitable access, student interest (voice and choice). The design of this space allows students to work in a hands-on fashion on a daily basis, thereby increasing engagement.
  • Our school, in conjunction with another MMSD middle school, is involved in a grant with Wisconsin Green Schools to infuse project-based learning more deeply into our curriculum – which is the heart of our school’s mission. This work extends the learning outside the four walls of our classroom into the great outdoors. For safety reasons, we ask that staff take a radio outside with them to be able to communicate clearly with the office as well as to get support for class and students so that we can increase access to and success with our outdoor learning environment.

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