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Muir Elementary School Endowment Fund

The income from the school endowment fund provides Muir Elementary School the opportunity for school-based grants to support creative and innovative projects in our school.

For the 2017-18 school year this funded the following projects:

  • Purchasing licenses for the Brainology for Schools. This program includes computerized and small group discussion materials to be utilized with small groups students who are at risk for academic difficulties. The function is to create a growth mindset for learning through social-emotional learning strategies.
  • Purchase of one iPad for classroom use in the outdoor education program. Second-grade students will use iPads to conduct fieldwork during outdoor education, to document and research plants and insects they observe while outside. The iPads will also help them create a digital portfolio to present to classmates and families.
  • Two third-grade classes will build eight benches for two locations on the school grounds. The project will be in collaboration with our partner Findorff & Son, Inc.’s employees. Benches will be placed in the butterfly garden for observations and in our creative play area on the playground.
  • Exciting opportunities that involve the entire school community as part of the Positive Behavior Support system universal practice. Opportunities include: professionally writing and recording a new school song; the purchase of classroom materials to support social-emotional and mindfulness teaching (Hoberman ball, high five foam hands, mirror markers, books and poster boards for the “Hear our Words walk); Hallway PBS banners; and descriptive word t-shirts to carry the message for our student population (Be Kind, Be Safe, Use Your Words, etc…).
  • As part of our universal practice, staff will have the opportunity to develop their understanding, skills, and practice to then share what they have learned with their students. For mindfulness work, this includes the purchase of yoga mats, bolster pillow cushions, Falsa blankets, Bluetooth speaker, and diffuser.

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