Marquette Elementary School Endowment Fund
The income from the school endowment fund provides Marquette Elementary School the opportunity for school-based grants to support creative and innovative projects in our school.

For the 2017-18 school year this funded the following projects:
- Virtual Reality Glasses that provide students with shared virtual experiences that could not be accomplished in a regular classroom or through field trips. This helps improve the background knowledge and experiences of all our students and give increased access to all students.
- Math program that will provide math enrichment in higher level standards for students. It will complement our current math resources and provide teachers additional data and resources for planning math instruction.
- Mobile and soundproof dividers to support student needs with flexible seating in our resource room. The dividers can also be used in other classrooms as necessary.
- Sensory tools that will be distributed throughout Marquette to help kids with self-regulation and focus. Classrooms throughout our school teach students how to regulate strong emotions that make it difficult to learn.
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