Madison Public Schools Foundation – Operations Fund
When you donate directly to our general fund you give us the freedom and agility to address areas where help is most needed in Madison’s public schools. In 2020, this was 2,500 virtual learning kits to handle remote learning. In winter 2021, we used a $20,000 gift to provide winter coats, boots, snow pants and gloves, ensuring kids could safely get to school and enjoy recess.

The Case for MPSF
The Madison Public Schools Foundation is honored to partner with the Madison Metropolitan School District to raise resources from the private sector in support of our 27,000 plus students. While the District relies on the efforts of a number of fundraising groups, including parent-teacher organizations, alumni classes, and booster clubs, the Foundation is the District’s key partner in offering a broad view of public education needs across our fifty schools and finding opportunities –programs, projects, endowments, or passthrough funds – that meet the specific passions of community members interested in supporting Madison public schools. These opportunities can feature districtwide initiatives, specific attendance areas or individual schools, or a combination thereof.
In short, the Foundation is uniquely positioned to identify the best options to fulfill the charitable goals of potential contributors and align with the priorities of the Madison Metropolitan School District.
The Foundation is also uniquely positioned to build private support for the District over a much longer time horizon. When gifts are received and processed by the Foundation, we have the opportunity to grow the audience we can reach out to for future fundraising efforts, District communications and advocacy work in a consistent, professional and systematic way. The Foundation also has the resources to maintain accurate mailing addresses, which allows us to continue relationships with supporters, even if they move to another part of the District or to another part of the country.
The Foundation does assess fees for the services it offers as the fiscal agent for a wide variety of fundraising activities. The fees we charge help us provide programs across the district such as Adopt-A-Schools, Teacher Support Network, Friends and Alumni Network, and our School Endowment program – some of which do not have a direct revenue source. They also allow us to provide fiscal management services to over 170 different funds established for the benefit of a wide range of interests related to the Madison Metropolitan School District, and to partner with Central Office accounting to ensure funds are expended as donors have directed.
The Madison Public Schools Foundation recognizes the critical role played by volunteer and school-based fundraising groups. Every dollar raised for Madison schools is a win for our students! The Foundation, however, offers a blend of services that meet the immediate needs of investors and schools while enhancing the District’s capacity to secure private sector support today and tomorrow. The Foundation is dedicated not just to our current students but also to succeeding generations of one of our community’s most important assets, our children.
For a full listing of MPSF funds, click here.
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