A Campaign for Capital High School
Capital High provides personalized learning in a smaller community to support student excellence on their chosen college and career pathway. Their students, many of whom have not found success in other schools, are vibrant young people who are eager to engage in learning that supports their interests. Students are challenged to apply a growth mindset to their present and future goals.

The goal of the campaign:
The goal of this campaign is to enhance non-traditional learning spaces, upgrade classrooms and add a new shop/auto mechanics space.

The successful November 2020 referendum will enable Capital High student’s to come together at a single location. In August 2022, these scholars will move to the Hoyt Building from their two current locations on the third floor of Lapham Elementary and leased strip mall on the west side. Capital High intends to build on the referenda momentum to better serve their families. Specifically, they will focus on offering new, innovative courses (e.g. digital music creation) targeted at addressing inequities.