Anana Elementary School Endowment Fund (formerly Falk Elementary)
The income from the school endowment fund provides Anana Elementary School the opportunity for school-based grants to support creative and innovative projects in our school.

For the 2017-18 school year this funded the following projects:
- 1st-grade team purchased yoga mats, DVDs, CDs, yoga cards and games to expand Mindfulness practice at this grade level for the purpose of building strategies to increase focus during instruction.
- Kindergarten DLI team purchased RAZ-Kids online licenses in Spanish (for both DLI sections) as an alternative to Lexia in support of core reading and foundational skills instruction.
- CC Team purchased four touchscreen Chromebooks specifically for use by students with IEPS, to increase access points to core lessons, work on IEP goals, support testing with accommodations, provide proactive breaks, and increase focus and attention. This also increases student access to assistive technology per needs related to IEP goals and supplementary aids and services.
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