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Alumni Network

Support the Madison Public Schools Alumni Network! Connecting students, alumni and educators across the country to support Madison’s public schools.

This fund supports the Madison Public Schools Alumni Network, allowing it to grow and expand. With alumni across the globe, the opportunities for connections and support are limitless. Are you a proud MMSD alum? Show your pride and support the next generation of scholars with a gift today!

Alumni are the most passionate supporters and advocates of our public schools, and we are working hard to unite them across the country. By investing in the Madison Public School Alumni Network, you allow us to focus on the work of reconnecting and celebrating the stories of our alumni – all while supporting the next generation of scholars. Please, consider a gift today to support the establishment of this network.

Are you an alumni of Madison’s public schools? Join the (free!) Madison Public Schools Friends & Alumni Network to connect with fellow alumni from around the world!

Be sure to join our growing network of linked alumni, here.

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