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Advocacy in Action: Vote on April 2nd and State Budget Proposal

Spring is a busy time in Madison and the state of Wisconsin, rich in opportunities to learn more and take action around advocacy for our public schools. Here are some highlights and reminders.


Local Elections: Tuesday, April 2nd!

Learn which issues and candidates are on the ballot, and register to vote! Get started with basic information here. We encourage every eligible person in Madison to learn candidate positions around public education, to register and to vote! Whether or not you have kids in Madison public schools, these are issues that can shape the strength of our community today and tomorrow.

Candidates and Issues
If you haven’t made it to a candidate forum, check out information online to learn candidate positions on issues concerning our public schools. The League of Women Voters Dane County assembled a write up of School Board candidate responses to their questions leading up to the April 2nd election. Click here to read candidate answers and learn more.

State Budget Proposal
Newly elected Governor, Tony Evers, has assembled a state budget proposal that can be reviewed here. For more details on budget funding sources, check out this article from Wisconsin Public Radio.

For more detail on particulars of the new budget proposal as they pertain to public education, visit the 2019-21 Budget HQ – part of the Wisconsin Public Education Network.                   

Questions about this referendum question or how you can help advocate for Madison’s public schools? Visit our Advocacy Page or contact us!

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Alumni: Rosa Thompson 

Erin Bailey, PhD, MS, is a 1999 graduate of Madison West High School and now serves as the Associate Director for Community Engaged Research for the Collective for Research Impact and Social Partnerships (CRISP) at UW-Madison’s College of Letters & Science. As the daughter of a white mother and a Black father, Erin’s educational journey through the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) was shaped by both triumphs and challenges, as she navigated a system where privilege and disadvantage often coexisted in the same classroom.

Recordings: 2024 Referenda Listening Sessions

Over the past few months, MMSD has hosted numerous community listening sessions to engage families, educators, and community members about the upcoming referenda on November 5th—one focused on facilities and the other on operations. Here are the links to the recordings.

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