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Alumni: Dannelle (Fraser) Gay 

An Unexpected Path to Travel Influencer

No one grows up dreaming they’ll wear a giant piece of cheese on their head and tell people where to go for a living. But life has a funny way of surprising us. I graduated from Madison West Senior High School in just three years, transferring college credits back to join the class of 1985 instead of 1986. Back then, we didn’t have the internet, cell phones, or laptops—so it’s ironic that I now rely on all of those things as a travel influencer.

Today, as *The Traveling Cheesehead*, I host a TV show that airs across 72 stations in four states, write for publications like Travel Wisconsin and Visit Hendricks County Indiana, contribute as a syndicated columnist for MSN, am a bestselling author, philanthropist, and now, as a group tour leader. It’s been an amazing journey that I never could have predicted, but one that’s been filled with incredible opportunities to share my love for Wisconsin and the Midwest.

Wisconsin is more than just a stop along the way—there’s so much beauty, history, and culture in our communities, and I love highlighting the things that make them shine. The Midwest shouldn’t just be a fly-over zone; it’s fun to encourage people to be tourists in their own communities and discover the extraordinary in the everyday.

My journey hasn’t been without its challenges. My freshman year of high school was difficult due to personal and family issues. But two amazing teachers helped me get my head on straight: my history teacher Carl Putnam and my English teacher Joan Martinelli. Not every teacher makes a lasting impression on you, but great ones “see” you beyond the classroom, and their guidance helped shape who I am today.

Funny enough, I used to get sick before giving a speech in school, yet since then, I’ve spoken in front of 10,000 people. I often give keynote speeches and speak to college and high school students about embracing their gifts and taking action instead of letting the fear of failure hold them back. If I can overcome my fears and turn them into strengths, anyone can. Success is about passion, perseverance, and moving forward, even when the path is uncertain.

Dannelle Gay
Award-winning travel writer, syndicated TV Host, Published Author, Public Speaker, Coffee Roaster
Content creator for MSN, GoRVing.com, Travel Wisconsin, CrazyCampingGirl.com and 365 Traveler

As seen on CBS58, Wisconsin Public Radio, NPR, Amateur Traveler, Travel Itch Radio, Wisconsin State Journal, etc…

Learn more about Dannelle at TravelingCheesehead.com 

Madison’s public schools are proud to count Dannelle Gay among their alumni!

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