Unexpected Path, Fulfilling Destination

This year marks a decade since I graduated from La Follette High School and I am very excited to see it flourishing with the renovations and to be able to support and educate the students there through the Summit Credit Union branch and the high school internship program. If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be here today, working at Summit Credit Union, helping students with their career development while teaching them about finances, I would never have believed you.
I had a lot of interests after high school and deciding what to study and what I wanted to be “when I grew up” was not easy for me. One thing I knew was that I loved educating and helping others with their development. In 2020, I was accepted into the Peace Corps and was excited to serve in the Dominican Republic for two years. However, Covid hit and, as we know, changed the course of everyone’s lives. Unable to leave the country and serve abroad, I pivoted and started working as a lender in one of the Summit branches.
During my time as a lender, my love for supporting others only grew and I started to support the Financial Empowerment department by opening youth accounts and volunteering at other events. When the Financial Education Specialist position opened, I jumped at the opportunity! Now in that role, I say I have my dream job: I get to develop and educate others on something that will greatly improve their lives and set them up for success.

Madison’s public schools are proud to count Hannah Altwegg among their alumni!