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Help Us Celebrate Public Schools Week 2024

We are thrilled to join with the Learning First Alliance and partners nationwide to celebrate educators, students, and school communities during Public Schools Week 2024.

During the week of February 26-March 1, we’re using our social channels and monthly newsletter to highlight the amazing things happening in our local public schools while expressing our support and advocacy for public education and all the benefits it provides children and families. 

We invite you to join us! Below are just a few ideas to help you make an impact:

  • Reach out to a teacher or school staff member to thank them for their work. 
  • Share success stories and other positive updates about your local schools on social media.
  • Showcase educators, initiatives, partnerships, and programs that are making a difference for our kids.
  • Speak with your local and state elected officials and ask them to support fair funding for public schools. 

Public Schools Week 2024 is part of the #HerefortheKids campaign, an effort to bring together families, educators, and community members to shine a light on local public schools and tell the stories of the amazingly positive things happening in classrooms and school buildings nationwide. 

Our public schools serve all kids and embody the principle that every child has the right to an education, no matter their background, their socio-economic status, or their abilities. We’re proud to join the Learning First Alliance and so many others nationwide in celebrating what makes public education so incredible. This week provides an opportunity for us to step up for our Madison public schools and ensure they receive the resources they need to prepare the next generation for the future.

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A New Era for Our High Schools: Renovations and Celebrations

On a beautiful day filled with nostalgia and pride, the Madison Metropolitan School District recently marked a significant milestone with grand re-openings and ribbon-cutting ceremonies at its four comprehensive high schools: La Follette High School, Madison East High School, Madison West High School, and Vel Phillips Memorial High School.

Alumni: Dannelle (Fraser) Gay 

No one plans to become The Traveling Cheesehead, but for Dannelle Gay, that unexpected journey began after graduating from Madison West High School. From overcoming fears of public speaking to becoming a nationally recognized travel influencer, Dannelle’s story is a testament to embracing life’s surprises and finding joy in sharing the hidden gems of Wisconsin and the Midwest.

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