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Be the Difference!

About Us

Dedicated to Madison. Focused on our youth.

Our schools make Madison. They prepare our children for a rapidly changing world that demands new skills and the ability to navigate an increasingly complex and challenging world. We stand with our public schools, working tirelessly to provide resources for new projects and programs that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.


Results matter.
See our impact.


Million dollar referendum package passed, led by our Vote Yes 2 Invest campaign.


Volunteer hours contributed through our Adopt-a-School partnership.


Millions of dollars awarded through endowment grants.


Adopt-a-School. Adopt progress.

Since its inception in 2005, our Adopt-a-School program has forged a deep connection within the community and our public schools. Through volunteering, in-kind donations and financial gifts, our partners have invested thousands of hours and over $6.5 million dollars in support.


Our teachers. Our heroes.

Our Teacher Support Network provides all Madison schools and students with essential supplies, snacks, personal hygiene items, and recess equipment. For decades teachers have filled these needs. Our goal is to eliminate those out-of-pocket expenses.


Empowering through endowment.

The first of its kind in the U.S., our school-specific endowment funds provided over $124,000 in the 2023-24 school year for projects schools deemed a priority. This pioneering spirit lives on.

Help us empower our students through opportunity.

“What can be more important to a child’s future than an excellent education? Their success is an investment in all our futures.”

Martha Vukelich-Austin, Schools Make Madison Champion Donor

Get Involved

Change lives. Your support of public schools is powerful.

Whether you’re part of a business or organization that wants to adopt a school, or you personally want to share your time and expertise, volunteering makes a critical difference for students. Whether you’re providing mentorship or helping at recess, no gesture is too small. There are a multitude of ways for you to get involved with our schools.

A newsletter that informs and inspires.

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