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The Foundation’s Organizing Committee

We thank the following visionaries who worked through the summer of 2000 to establish the Madison Public Schools Foundation:

Alice Benn, Joann Elder, Mary Gulbrandsen, Don Hafeman, Carroll Heideman, Virginia Henderson, Howard Landsman, Elaine Lohr, Don McCloskey, John Matthews, John Olson, Art Rainwater, Doug Ritchie, and Len Rush.

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Madison Public Schools Foundation

Alumni: Arleen Casey

Arleen (Muldowney) Casey grew up as the youngest of six children, experiencing a rich and vibrant childhood. Her parents built their home in 1948 on what was then the edge of town near Seminole Highway and Highway 12/18. Arleen attended Nakoma Grade School and Cherokee Junior High before graduating from West High School in 1974.

Madison Public Schools Foundation

Alumni: Antonio Cruz-Rodriguez

Born in Mexico, Antonio Cruz-Rodriguez moved to the United States with his family when he was just a few years old. The Cruz-Rodriguez family settled on the east side of Madison, where Antonio’s educational journey began. He attended Lapham Elementary for 4K, then moved to Hawthorne Elementary, and later to Sandburg Elementary due to new district lines. He continued his education at Sherman Middle School and graduated from East High School in 2010.

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